Going grey gracefully on purpose was not an easy decision.  The process of growing out my natural color took time and patience. The gray hair transition was made harder by the fact that most of the women I respected told me I was making a terrible mistake.  The common theme expressed by the family was that gray hair color would make me look old.  OLD! Haven’t we learned that old is not a 4 letter word?  Honestly, it was this pushback to silver hair that fueled me.  Off I went to discover if my gray strands would empower me.  Armed with my determination and purple shampoo I ditched the permanent hair color. Today’s post highlights reasons why many women are letting their once blonde, red, and brown hair turn into silver strands over time.  

5 Reasons Women Embrace Grey Hair and Roots:

Hair color trends come and go.  Over the years my dyed hair has been almost every color in the rainbow.  One thing became a constant after I turned 50 years old and that was needing to color my hair every six weeks and even that was pushing it.  Hair care and coloring were costing me a fortune and no amount of lowlights became enough to cover gray color. It was around this time, that Instagram began connecting me to aging influencers who openly accepted natural hair.  From there the seed was planted.  I’m going gracefully grey on purpose!

Going Grey on Purpose "Kathy Brown, a top Travel Blogger in Chattanooga, is wearing a pink blouse and casually looking off into the distance. Her short, gray hair reflects her age-positive influence. She is kneeling against the Chattanooga Choo Choo."

1. Going Grey Naturally Can Be Empowering:

In a world that constantly bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressures, it’s time to break free from the shackles of these expectations. Embracing natural beauty is not only about accepting our flaws but also challenging the stereotypes attached to aging. It’s time to reclaim our power, embrace the wisdom that comes with age, and let our authentic selves shine through. 

2. Bid Farewell to Costly Salon Appointments:

Picture this: no more rushing to the salon every few weeks for touch-ups, root coloring, or expensive highlights. Embracing your grey hair means bidding farewell to these recurring expenses, saving you considerable time and money in the long run. Free yourself from the constraints of salon visits. 

3. Toxic Chemicals Galore:

Did you know that most commercial hair dyes contain an alarming cocktail of toxic chemicals? Ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, resorcinol, and paraphenylenediamine (PPD) are just a few culprits that can wreak havoc on your health. These chemicals not only damage your precious strands but also pose significant risks to your overall well-being.

4. Rocking the Power Suit

Gone are the days when gray hair was considered a hindrance in professional settings. It’s time to shatter those glass ceilings! Pair your stunning silver mane with a tailored power suit in colors like cobalt blue or fiery red. The contrast between your elegant gray locks and fierce attire will break stereotypes of aging and you will have a commanding presence. 

5. Silver Crown: Inspiring Others with Natural Aging and Gray Hair

In a world obsessed with youth and unrealistic beauty standards, it’s time for a paradigm shift. The notion that gray hair signifies a decline or loss of attractiveness is archaic. It’s time to celebrate the natural aging process and inspire others by proudly flaunting our silver crown!

In conclusion - 5 Reasons to Go Grey Gracefully on Purpose:

There is no right reason why you should stop dying your hair and embrace natural gray hair. It is a personal choice that depends on individual preferences, priorities, and lifestyle. Regardless of the reason,  more and more women, like me, are choosing to embrace their natural beauty.  The good news is once you stop using hair dye, it doesn’t have to be a permanent decision.  Another hair color is just a hairdresser appointment or box away.  Don’t overwhelm yourself.   After all, we are empowered women who can and will change our minds many times over our lives and that’s okay.  In full disclosure, after I wrote this article originally and was fully natural, I opted to enhance my silver with highlights.  More salt, less pepper. 

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