Are you tired of staring at your blank walls and feeling a lack of direction in life? Well, fear not, because we have the perfect solution for you! It’s time to unleash your inner creativity and manifest your dreams with the help of a vision board. Now, before you roll your eyes and dismiss this as some fluffy new-age nonsense, hear me out. Creating a vision board is like having a personal cheerleader who constantly reminds you of what you’re striving for (minus the pom-poms).

Creating a Vision Board is like making a visual to-do list for your dreams. It’s not about just sitting around and hoping good things happen magically. Instead, it’s a tool to inspire you to take action towards your goals. Imagine it as a friendly reminder hanging on your wall, nudging you to go after what you want. So, it’s not the answer by itself, but more like a motivating buddy, urging you to turn your dreams into reality through your efforts.

Once you have finished this post be sure to also read the benefits and get started journaling!

Travel vision board that represents all the places I want to visit in the coming year.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is like an ideas collage of your dreams and goals. It’s a visual tool that helps you clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on the things you want to achieve in different areas of your life. By combining images, words, and symbols that represent your aspirations, a vision board serves as a constant time reminder of your objectives. It’s a way to manifest your desires and keep them in your daily awareness, motivating you to work towards turning your dreams into reality. Creating a vision board can be a fun and creative way to set intentions and stay inspired on your journey toward your goals.

Who can be inspired by creating a vision board?

Anyone can be inspired through boards.  These are great for kids, teens, adults, and seniors.  This practice can also be looked at as self-care and starting these practices early could aid a child through adulthood. For adults and parents, this could be a time of quiet since vision board ideas are often performed alone.  For older adults like myself, vision boards work to maintain brain and mental clarity. 

Where do you create a Vision Board for the first time?

There are various means to capture your inspiration.  Journal, digital, online vision boards, social media, posters, and bulletin boards. All that truly matters is that it makes sense to you and you alone.  Digital vision boards can be made easily.  I have found many premade templates free on Canva.  A physical vision board is perfect for work or home office.  Try using a poster board or a corkboard with magazine clippings as a visual representation of aspirations.

Dreamboard kits and starter boards can be found on Amazon very inexpensively. 

Different Ideas That Can Be Used On a Vision Board:

Career Goals:

Include images and words related to your dream job. Display the skills and qualifications you want to acquire.

Travel Dreams:

Add pictures of your dream destinations.

Include quotes or images that inspire wanderlust.

Health and Wellness:

Feature images of healthy meals and snacks.

Include pictures that represent your fitness goals.


Display images that represent the kind of relationships you want and inspiring quotes. 

Use words that describe the qualities you seek in a partner or friend

Personal Growth:

Include quotes that inspire personal development with clear direction.

Display images related to skills or hobbies you want to develop.

Financial Goals:

Add pictures of financial milestones along with articles you read. 

Include words that represent financial stability and success.

Creativity and Hobbies:

Feature images related to your creative pursuits and really work towards those goals. 

Include words that express your passion for hobbies.

Education and Learning:

Display images of books, classrooms, or educational settings.

Include words related to your educational goals. 

Mindfulness and Well-being:

Use calming images that represent mental well-being.

Include quotes that promote mindfulness and positivity.

Family and Home:

Add pictures of your ideal home environment.

Include images that represent family goals.

Adventure and Challenges:

Feature images that symbolize overcoming challenges and need to overcome. 

Include quotes that inspire resilience and perseverance.

Bucket List:

Create a section dedicated to your bucket list items.

Include both short-term and long-term goals.

Remember to choose images and words that resonate with you. The vision board should be a reflection of your aspirations and serve as a source of motivation. Feel free to get creative with the layout and design to make it visually appealing and inspiring. Using a dream board is a powerful way to remind yourself of goals and step forward into the life you desire. 

Happy Dreaming! 

Colorful notebooks and eager hands: Start journaling for beginners, no experience needed!
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